Getting Ready!!!

It's that time of the year again when we begin to think about our awards ceremony and end of year party!  Getting ready ties in well with our current planner:  How We Express Ourselves.  The Superheroes have found many to express themselves through words, pictures, songs and art.  We really have had a lot of fun these past two weeks preparing for the end when we have to say good-bye.  There have already been a lot of tears (mostly on my part), but there has also been lots of laughs, hugs and memories shared. 


The Superheroes were very excited when I announced today that ALL cards were completed!  The deal was we couldn't read our cards until everyone was finished.  Everyone was so happy to finally be able to look at them all.  The students were so sweet going around and thanking their friends for writing the cards. This project takes a long time to complete and is a lot of work to put together, but when I saw the students sharing, hugging and thanking each other...  It was all worth it!


As we near the end of our planner (and of our time together), The Superheroes used what they have learned about art to complete the summative.  I brought in several different types of art using different art mediums.  The student had to choose the piece that spoke to them and then write about it.  Very interesting to see what pieces the students were interested in.