Come join The Navigators as they explore pumpkins using math and science!
Pumpkin Math
Pumpkin Math was a huge success! Thank you to all the parents for your contributions and your time! I hope you learned something new about pumpkins too!
Houston History
As we near the end of our first unit of inquiry, The Navigators began to apply thier knowledge to thier own community of Houston. We learned a little about Santa Ana, The Alamo and how important Sam Houston was to our history. We discovered that he was named the first president of The Republic of Texas. The Allan brothers wrote ads trying to get people to move to the bayou city. At first, Houston was going to be the capital, but people complained about the mosquitos so they moved the captial to Waterloo. Waterloo later became known as the city of Austin.
Community Worker
We were very excited to have a visit from Joshua's dad. We learned all about what a fire fighter has to do. We also discovered how important a fire fighter is in our community. The Navigators had many questions for our guest. Being a fire fighter is hard work!
The Pumpkin Challenge!
Here it is... Using only 6 pieces of orange paper that measure 6 inches long and 1 inch wide -
can you make a pumpkin? It was fun to see all the different possiblities.
The Navigators were really thinking outside the box.
Math Buddies
We are loving our math time, especially when we work with a buddy.
This is a time when we work together to discuss and solve problems.
How Our Water Gets Clean
Water Filtration
The Navigators have been studying how water is distributed around the world. Did you know that there are some places that do not have water! We discovered that we have a water filtration system. The water goes thru a series of steps to give us clean water to drink.
Math Binders
Here we are working in our math binders. The students use these to guide them to choose a math workstation. We also record definitions for math vocabulary and make goals for ourselves.
First Field Trip
The First Field Trip of the year was to visit our city council and then explore the old buildings in Sam Houston Park. We had quite an exciting trip. First, we were questioned by one city councilman who rewarded the right answers with a dollar coin!! Next, we headed to the city council meeting room to see the Mayor in action. However, the meeting was short that day and they were done by 10:30!! That's okay we ran into another council member who took us through all the secret passageways under the streets to visit various offices. Everyone was so nice and helpful. Then we headed to Sam Houston Park. Our class was split into groups and we visited several old historical buildings. I think the favorite was the old log cabin. We actually used tools that the pioneers used hundreds of years ago! Finally, we ended up eating lunch inside the gazebo. It was perfect weather and a great first field trip. A special thanks to all the parents who helped. We cannot do it without you!!
Writer's Workshop
We love to write! Anywhere! In Writer's Workshop we write drafts and ideas in our Writer's Notebooks. Then we use the Writing Cycle to revise, edit and publish. We are currently working on a piece entitled, This is Me.
LDC with Mrs. Gee
We finally made it to Mrs. Gee's class and we are loving it. Yes, we do have some work to do, but we can handle it. Mrs. Gee is making the book come alive for us and we love the main character, Harry. The Navigators will be visiting Mrs. Gee's class once every six weeks for a two week period of time. Our next visit will be sometime in November.
Today we explored graphing. We began with gathering data about our birthdays. We ended up with a very unusual graph because we have seven birthdays in January! In all my years of teaching that has never happened! Next we worked with a partner to develop a question. Then we gathered data by asking our friends. Finally, we complied the data into a graph which could be used to ask questions. Great Job, Navigators!
Twain Track
Can you say that quickly three times? The Navigators are bursting with excitement that the track is finally complete and that playground is officially opened for business!! The dedication ceremony was very exciting! We cannot wait to race around that track!
No Playground!
You think that may have stopped us from having fun, but NO we found new ways to play. Classes were assigned different areas around the school for recess. Our space was between first and kinder classrooms. We invented all kinds of games to keep us busy. Did you know that Alex kicked a ball so high that it got stuck on the roof? or that we invented a new game called Two-Square? We made it work while we waited patiently for the track to be completed.
Daily Five
The Navigators worked together in cooperative groups to decide what roles the student and the teacher play during our Daily Five time. Daily Five is a time when students are working independently on reading or writing goals.
We read Camile and The Sunflowers, a story about Vincent Van Gogh.
The interesting thing was Vincent was not welcomed in his community
just because he was different. The Navigators decided we do not want to be that way
because if everyone was the same it would be boring.
How could we learn the interesting things we do?
Like Vincent we decided to create our own self-portraits.
While we were working it was great to hear positive affirmations from the students
as they watched their friends create the portraits.
Lemon of a Lesson
We are busy learning how to conduct a scientific investigation! The Navigators learned how
to use tools such as a scale, magnifying glasses, and measuring tapes
to investigate the properties of a lemon.
Metric Autobiography
We had a great time learning about each other today! We used the metric system to measure certain lengths of paper. Each piece represented a question about ourselves. For example, what is your favorite book? Where do you love to go eat? How many brothers and sisters do you have? When it was complete we had one meter of information about ourselves to share with our new friends.
Math Workstations
The Navigators are learning how to work in math workstations. This gives them a chance to choose work based on objectives and goals. It gives each student the opportunity to work with
a partner to discuss math and figure out problems together.
Open House
Parents came to visit the classroom tonight! They saw all your great artwork and writing from the 'In My Classroom' assignment. Parents learned about how The Navigators will be doing homework this year. I showed the Homework Wiki and the websites you will be using. Everyone is looking forward to see the evidence of learning in your agendas and on your Wiki!
After creating these wonderful works of art, The Navigators decided to create a Museum Walk. All the students got a chance to look at the artwork and read the poems. Then we wrote compliments for the author/creator. This was a great way for the community to look at all the creations. Here are some excerpts from the poems:
In My classroom...
In My classroom...
- we all cooperate with each other like a samll community
- we are the Navigators, we make our way through third grade.
- three is a magic number
- Ms. Musters does not let us use erasers
- in morning meeting we greet each other and I know stuff that peple like and I know mroe about them and I can become friends with them
- I treat others how I want them to treat me
- But most of all in my classroom I feel free!
Our First Homework Assignment
Our First Homework Assignment! At the open house event, students received a empty Ziploc baggie with the instructions to fill it with objects from their summer adventures. My Summer in a Bag contained a tulip, a mooing toy, pictures of my family, and maps of where I went . We had a great time sharing our summer memories and getting to know each other.
I think it was a FUN homework assignment!
What's in a Name?
The Navigators have been busy exploring their names and the names of their new classmates.
We have been greeting each other every morning in our Morning Meeting.
In math, we are creating patterns with different sized arrays.
Next, we looked at our friends' arrays to see if anyone has the same pattern.
First Week of School
We were very busy the first week of school! Our first cooperative group activity was to create a chart together telling what each partner in our group knew about communities. We then presented our chart to the rest of our class. We learned about a lot of things communities have and what is needed in a community. For example, you need helpers and everyone needs to be peaceful.
I think the Navigators are off to a great start!
What Every 3rd Grader Needs To Know
Last year, my third graders wrote letters to the new group of third graders coming in the fall. They gave some great advice. Here are some of my favorites:
- Do not worry when you go to LDC Mrs. Gee is the nicest teacher ever!
- Tests are not scary.
- Also, answering questions wrong is not a problem! I still have all my fingers!
- Always listen to your teacher because I will guarantee you it will soon pay off!
- Remember to use your strategies they will help you succeed through your test.
- You are going to learn something very important in third grade, you must take risks.
- Remember these words of wisdom and you'll do fine.
What Ms. Musters' Always Says
My new students were greeted with a few quotes from my previous students.
These are some things I am known to say ALL the time:
- three is a magic number
- How are you going to attack that problem
- G.R.O.U.P.
- READ it's a magical thing
The First Day
The First day is coming! This year we had an open house visit before the first day. I loved it! I got to meet all my new students and the parents. My students came in to view their classroom and found a nice treat on their desk! I also handed out the first homework assignment!
In the beginning..
I arrive at the school weeks before school starts to find a startling empty room. First thing I do is move the furniture to create a new learning environment. I start to think about the upcoming year and wonder what exciting things will happen. What will our community name be? What will the students accomplish this year? What will our field day t-shirt look like? I am filled with enthusiasm, ready to create a wonderful, safe, creative, learning environment where all my students will thrive while they are in third grade.
Time to say Good-bye
I was pleasantly surprised on the last day when I was handed this poster board of signatures with a pocketful of comments. Kaleigh created this project and made sure everyone was a part of it. It is a moment I will treasure. Here are some of the comments
Rock you down, shake you up like a volcano read to erupt. Watch out world here we come.
Ms. Musters is #1!
Your the best teacher! We had a great year together!
Thank you for helping me grow!
You are an AMAZING teacher. Can you be a 4th grade teacher?
I like you because you taught me the strategy that made me improve.
All of our learning is because of you. You have made my life better. Thank you.
Thank you for helping me soar into 4th grade!
Thank you Soaring Pilots!
One of 12 Finalists!!
After being elected as Mark Twain's teacher of the year the next step was district finalist. I had to write essays and submit photos to be considered for HISD's teacher of the year. Each district chooses one teacher to represent them and I won for my district! The twelve district finalists are then asked to write additional essays (seven in all) about different aspects of education.
It required the help of many!
Thank you to all my family, friends and co-workers for coming out to support me.
A special thanks to my principal helping me through the process!
It was a wonderful evening filled with love and support. The best part was coming to school the next day and my students telling me I won third place because they called my name third!
I will gladly take that position.
It was an honor to stand with those amazing teacher finalists from all over the district.
Scavenger Hunt
Here is one group of students with Liz (Creator of the project) trying to decipher the clue.
The Scavenger Hunt
Jack's mom came up with a brilliant idea to tie in all our work together in third grade: A Scavenger Hunt. We split the class into small groups with one parent helper. Everyone was given several clues. You had to find the answer and then take a picture of your group with the answer. We all came back together and downloaded the pictures to review together!
Thank you Liz and all the other parents who helped with this project.
What an amazing way to end our year in third grade.
The End is Here!
The Soaring Pilots had an amazing time at our end of year party.
Thank you to all my parents for creating such a craft filled delicious party.
Adwards Day
Awards day was a little different this year. Third grade classes had them in their classrooms. This gave The Soaring Pilots an opportunity to create the awards program. We had presentations, plays and power points. Mrs. Gee came by and gave out awards for writing. It was all very exciting!
As the year draws to a close, The Soaring Pilots have become the best of friends. We continue to meet every day in our Morning Meeting to great each other, share news and do a fun activity. It has been a great way to start everyday of third grade.
Camping in the Classroom?
Here is what camping looks like in the classroom! We continue to explore our last unit of inquiry from our new rebuilt community. The Soaring Pilots are doing a great job working from this new habit! Together they are learning about structures from the past and buildings that have become famous all over the world. We looked at the curvature of the Earth from the top of a building and we discovered how Frank Lloyd Wright built a house that looks like a waterfall.
The Memory Boards are finished and The Soaring Pilots get to read their postcards. Everyone was so excited to share the memories of our third grade year together. I hope they will bring lots of joy in the years to come. When students look back at their third grade year they should be so proud of all that they have accomplished. Way to go, Soaring Pilots. You definitely soared this year!
Here are some of the memories...
Remember when we had our first field trip? We went to the Sam Houston Park! p.s. I had lots of fun with you...wish this was the beginning of the year
The program was so much fun! My favorite song was Interplanet Janet. All of our T-shirts dazzled with creativity.
Remember the first day of school! You gave us our tickers. Everyone was like WOW! Then you introduced Morning Meeting and I was thinking WOW! Look at this stuff! I never thought I could learn this much about everything in only one year!
I love how you invented our strategies! I can't do good without them! I really appreciate you making these strategies for you. I thought it was very generous of you to share the idea with other teachers.
Do you remember when it was the first day of school and I came in the class. Do you remember when you gave us marshmallows. You made me a superstar! Thank you so much, Oh I forgot that you made me smile when I came in the classroom.
Remember when you first taught us our strategies. Now looking back, I realize how helpful those strategies were. Thank you so much for teaching us them! You truly are a STAR!
Here are some of the memories...
Remember when we had our first field trip? We went to the Sam Houston Park! p.s. I had lots of fun with you...wish this was the beginning of the year
The program was so much fun! My favorite song was Interplanet Janet. All of our T-shirts dazzled with creativity.
Remember the first day of school! You gave us our tickers. Everyone was like WOW! Then you introduced Morning Meeting and I was thinking WOW! Look at this stuff! I never thought I could learn this much about everything in only one year!
I love how you invented our strategies! I can't do good without them! I really appreciate you making these strategies for you. I thought it was very generous of you to share the idea with other teachers.
Do you remember when it was the first day of school and I came in the class. Do you remember when you gave us marshmallows. You made me a superstar! Thank you so much, Oh I forgot that you made me smile when I came in the classroom.
Remember when you first taught us our strategies. Now looking back, I realize how helpful those strategies were. Thank you so much for teaching us them! You truly are a STAR!
Principal of the Day
Catelyn was quite excited to take over the job of principal. She even granted us extra recess! What could be better than that!. Catelyn did an excellent job and even made a few announcements.
The Tower Challenge
After dismantling the room to prepare for Tent City, The Soaring Pilots had plenty of open space to try the Tower Challenge. Using what we know about how buildings are built students had to create the tallest free standing tower possible. The catch - you only had two sheets of newspaper and a ruler! Take a look to see what a great job all the teams did!
Camping in the Classroom!
We are camping in the classroom! The Soaring Pilots are creating a new classroom community with tents! We are very excited about this new adventure. Instead of working and studying from a desk, we will be working in cooperative groups in our tents. As we continue our inquiry into architecture, The Pilots will be completing their assignments nestled in a sleeping bag!
Architects in Third Grade?
Thank you to our special visitors! We certainly loved having TWO architects come to visit us and explain what it is they do. We saw blueprints, front elevations and small models of buildings from around the Houston area. One plan was for Reliant Stadium!
A House for A Mouse?
The Soaring Pilots are learning about the process and steps an architect would take in order to create a building based on his client's wants and needs. However, we had a special client, a mouse. Our client, the mouse wanted some very specific things in his house. Number one priority was of course a cheese room! Students create a bubble map and then a floor plan to show the layout of the rooms in the house. The last step was to create a front elevation that would be enticing to our client.
Dream Houses
We have officially begun the last planner of our third grade year! Our unit of inquiry will be looking into architecture past and present. The first assignment: design a dream house. The Soaring Pilots studied how shapes are used to build buildings and developed an understanding that buildings have a purpose. Then the creativity began!! Our neighbors across the hall came by to judge the various projects based on different criteria. They were given the opportunity to discuss the purpose and function of the buildings with the creators.
Teacher of the Year
So excited to report that I was voted as Mark Twain's Teacher of the Year! What an honor to have your peers vote for you in this manner. All my students were cheering for me when Mrs. Patin made the announcent. I received this card from one of my students in recognition! I now have to write seven (more) essays and provide photo documentation to be considered a district finalist for Teacher of the year. My students have been encouraging me every day to do a good job! Great teaching moment to show them how I have to work on my writing and revise to make it better.
Human Rights Speeches
The Soaring Pilots have been studying human rights. To conclude our unit of inquiry, the students choose one individual to portray. The students researched this person to find out what obstacles they encountered in their life and who inspired them to take action. This project culminated with speeches to help us understand what the activists believed and how they made a difference in the world.
The Soaring Pilots land on Mars
Experience first hand our exciting adventures in Space! The Soaring Pilots had a great time completing their mission to Mars. All Pilots had to complete applications to apply for the jobs needed on the mission. Everyone did a great job and now you can experience the mission too!
Memories In My Pocket Part III
The Soaring Pilots share their thoughts on this project. We have been writing postcards to each other for the month of May. The last week of school we will get the opportunity to read them and share our memories of our amazing third grade year!
Memory Boards Part II

After creating the memory boards with the help of our friends, we will write postcards to each friend detailing a third grade event. Students will be required to read thru their blog researching and remembering the great times we've had together this year.
New Homework
The STAAR test is over and May is upon us. Third grade is coming to an end for the Soaring Pilots! We will change the homework for the month of May. Students will be working on creating postcard memories for their friends. I call this project Memories in My Pocket. First we began be creating a poster board representation of ourselves.
Adaptations part II
Here is a sample of the work we did on adaptations. Each students had to develop how their animal would survived including what they would eat and how much water they needed. They also develop physical adaptations based on what was available on their planet. Great Job, Soaring Pilots.
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