Field Trip

What a great day for a field trip - the day after testing!  As we continue to explore our planner -
 Who We Are, The Navigators went to visit the African-American Library. 
 This library is housed in the first elementary school for African-Americans. 
 The students roamed the hallways looking at artifacts and learning about the
 history and culture of Houston's first African-Americans. 
The most exciting part was our meeting with the person who restores old photos.  
She explained the process and showed different examples of photos taken 100 years ago!  


STAR! presented by:  April and Amara
A short play in words and rap that explains how important strategies are!
Scroll to next posting to see the action live!


The Vitamins

The Vitamins presented by: Andrea, Avery and Jordan 
A short play showing how the Evil Test Maker creates the test, 
BUT the student does a great job because she took her STRATEGY VITAMINS!!
Scroll to next posting to see the action live!

The Vitamins

NBC News 3

NBC News 3 presented by: Crockett, Jack and Nicolas 
A news program dedicated to bringing you the facts about the STAAR test. 
 It includes informative commercial breaks and a special guest: Ms. Musters!
Scroll to next posting to see the action live!

NBC News 3

STAAR Encouragement

Maya, Kelsey and Kate present:  STAAR Encouragement 
A selection of inspirational songs to help you do well 
 to encourage you to use your strategies!
Scroll to next posting to see the action live!

Pick Your Subject!

Alex, Carson, Doran and Joshua present: Pick Your Subject!
This is a talk show questioning the guests how they help their students with the STAAR Test. 
 The host also gives a performance in song!!!  
Scroll to next posting to see the action live!

Pick Your Subject!

The Evil Test Makers

Ria, Gaby, Lauren, Kyoto and Emile present:  The Evil Test Makers. 
 In this presentation, the students go to Strategy Land to visit the King who gives them
 the strategies they need to defeat any type of question! 
                                              Scroll to next blog entry to view performance.

The Evil Test Makers