
Did you know that in The Netherlands, Sinterklaas day is December 5th and 6th. The Fantastic Frogs are learning about different holidays from different cultures. Actually, our current American version of Santa Claus came from the Dutch tradition of Sinterklaas. One favorite of the Dutch children is leaving their wooden shoes (klompen) by the fireplace filled with hay and carrots for Sinterklaas' horse. The hay and carrots are replaced, of course, with special treats. We left our shoes on Friday and Monday morning we came back to school to find treats! In Ms. Musters' klompen we found a riddle that led us to our new mascot: a giant Fantastic Frog!
Dank u Sinterklaas! The day ended with a special visit from the Dutch experts: Mr. and Mrs. Musters. They also brought as a treat a special Dutch cookie called speculaas. Dank u wel!

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