Thank you notes

Well, our last semester in first grade started out very calm and then came Wednesday!  Whew, what a day.  The Superheroes were troupers.  Our only big disappointment came when we had to go to lunch without our lunchboxes!  So proud of how everyone was principled during all the confusion.  Today, since we missed Writing Wednesday, we decided to write thank you notes to those people who helped us.  Then, we delivered them.  Everyone was surprised and happy to receive their special note.  I pulled Mr. Lucky's name from the hat - and I don't know if everyone knows this but he stayed ALL night to help with the clean up!  We left Mrs. Dennis' in her temporary classroom (we couldn't find her).  I saw her later and she said she was so grateful for the kind note!  See, even first graders can make a difference!  Keep up the good work, Superheroes.  Our next letter will be to President Obama.  What we will say??

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