Found Poetry Part II

If you recall found poetry is poetry found in the words written by someone else. The Discoverers read the book, My Friend, The Starfinder and used the words in a new way. Each group then illustrated the words. The results were magical. Great Job, Discoverers!


George Ella Lyon said...

How interesting!

Tell your students Hi

from the poet

who was the girl

who knew the Starfinder.

Write on!

George Ella Lyon

Ms. Musters said...

Thanks for your comment. What other books do you recommend we read for found poetry? Is everything in the book about the Starfinder true? We just noticed that your response looks like a poem. We loved your book and are so excited that you found our blog!! From The Discoverers

p.s. How did you find our blog?

Penny Linsenmayer said...

Great job poets!