Mrs. Baird's Bakery

I think this field trip counts as one of our favorites! Unfortunately, we can not show you any amazing photos of the factory because we were not allowed to take any. You will just have to ask your child for the details. It was a great way to end our planner on economics. Upon returning to school we decided to write letters to say thank you. Here are some excerpts:

*I had a spectacular experience.

*I really enjoyed the tour you gave me and I learned alot of new things.

*Thanks for answering all our questions in a way we could all understand it.

*Thank you for letting us see all those capital resources.

*But now you guys use captial resources (which are machines) instead of human resources.

*When the bus pulled up to the factory it smelled so good it felt like I was in heaven.

*I really appreciate that you took some time our of your day to show us the factory!

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