
We are busy getting our portfolios ready for the student led conferences on Wednesday. This is an opportunity for your child to share what they are learning with you. Some questions for you to ask: What did you learn from this work? How would you change this work? What makes you proud of your work? Tell me what things you like doing in class? What are the things on which you would like to improve? Remember the most important role for the parent during student led conferences is to listen and give encouragement. Have you signed up for a time? The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board next to the classroom.

Creating Products

As part of our planner, Attention Shoppers, we have been exploring ideas such as supply and demand and producers and consumers. We create our own product with an assembly line. Next, we developed advertising to sell the product. Read closely because they promise you can eat cookies and drink lemonade and stay healthy!


Click on the mosaic to enlarge!

Morning Meeting

Every morning, The Super Stars find a friendly way of greeting each other. The are several components to the Morning Meeting; greeting, activity, sharing, and news. The greetings not only teach us how to speak respectfully to each other by looking in someones eyes and addressing them by name, but it also makes everyone feel a part of the learning community. The activities are a great way to learn about each other and to also have fun. In the above pictures we are using the Baseball Greeting.


Here we are exploring perimeter with our geoboards. We had to figure out the length of the sides of an rectangle when given the perimeter. One thing we discovered is that our geoboards were not big enough! Solution: put two boards together to solve the problem.

Assembly Line

Attention Shoppers! Our current story, The Goat in the Rug, led to a discussion of goods and services and how to produce them. The main character wove a rug by herself which took a long time. We decided to see how long it would take us! After twenty minutes, our individual attempts yielded two rugs. Next, we explored the idea of an assembly line. We worked so hard that some workers got a blister from cutting! Not only did we have fun working together - we learned all about assembly lines that produce goods. In the end, we decided our rug business would not have made it because we spent too much on supplies and did not produce enough goods.


We have a saying in our classroom "EEKK!" That means you sit with a partner elbow to elbow, knee to knee to read together. After reading a selection, you have a discussion about the story. I have been hearing a lot of, "Well, how do you know?"

Finding the Perimeter

Today we explored measuring to find the perimeter of a shape. First we had to make the shapes! In this lesson, we discussed the following vocabulary words: polygon, angle, perimeter, parallel, parallelograms and quadrangles that are not parallelograms. You can see from the pictures that The Super Stars were working very hard. They did a great job exploring and thinking mathamatically.

Homework Newsletter

Dear Parents,
Please help your Super Star by reminding them to utilize their agenda. They are required to write the homework in the agenda everyday. The short story should be read out loud so the students may practice fluency and expression. The questions should be answered in complete sentences. If homework is not completed, students will receive an incomplete for the day.
Here are some additional tips regarding homework in third grade.
1. Provide a home study area with proper light and few distractions. Turn off the television and music. Ensure a dictionary, paper, pens, etc., are available. Ask your child if additional materials will be needed for some projects, like poster board or stencils, and get them in advance.
2. Help your children manage their time. Don't let them leave homework until just before bedtime when they are tired and cranky. Instead, help them plan a time to complete homework, while also considering other commitments they have during the week, such as music lessons or sports practice.
3. When your child does homework, do your own "homework." Show your child the skills they are learning are related to things you do as an adult. If your child is reading, read the newspaper. If your child is doing math, balance your checkbook.
4. Help your children determine “hard” and “easy” homework. Encourage them to do the hard work first. Easy homework seems to go faster when they begin to get tired.
5. When your child asks for help, provide guidance, not answers. Encourage your student to divide homework assignments into "What I can do myself" and "What I need help with." Make sure you only help with the work your child can’t accomplish independently, such as practicing spelling tests.
6. Watch for signs of frustration. Encourage your children to take short breaks during longer assignments, especially if they are having trouble concentrating.
7. Reward progress. After your child has worked hard to complete an especially difficult assignment, celebrate that success by doing something special, like going for a bike ride together or sharing an ice cream sundae.
8. Look over their homework upon completion. However, don’t correct it unless the teacher encourages you to do so. That’s because a teacher can customize additional instruction for your child if he or she sees the pattern of errors. My request is to draw a line through the error and do it again. If more room is needed use an additional sheet of paper.
9. Keep in touch with the teacher. Then you’ll be fully aware of the quantity and quality of homework your child turns in.
10. Remind your children that homework is a good thing. It builds responsibility and independence in your child and is a great way for kids to develop lifelong learning skills.

Important Information

November 10th - Picture Make-up Day Picture make-ups are for students who have a packet they did not like and will turn it in at the time they are called or for any student who has an envelope with money.

November 19th - Student Led Conferences This tentative date has been changed to December 3rd.

December 1st and 2nd Book Fair At the Barnes and Nobles on W. Holcombe.
The Super Stars are busy creating images based on a poem I read aloud. We are practicing our visualization techniques to help us become better readers and writers. Come by the room to see the final projects.

Election Day

As you know, Election Day is fast approaching. To help the students understand the process we initiated an election scenario for our class representative. Students were given the option of running and prepared their campaign this weekend. Everyone decided that there should be a vice-rep in case the class representative could not perform their duties. Today, several students arrived with campaign buttons, posters and speeches. Here are a few excerpts:

  • If elected president, I promise to work with our hardworking teachers to encourage contests between classes on the same grade both in sports and academically.
  • Hello Ms. Musters and my fellow classmates, I want to be our class representative because I would like to help our school.
  • I have a dream that this community could accomplish any task by using our powers. If you elect me I will make sure eveyrone has fun learning and take care of each other.

Here is an excerpt from a speech written in support of their running mate:

  • Even though she is new to this school she is smart she knows her school, and she is filled from head to toe with the best wisdom I could ever imagine.

If you want success vote for the best! Thank you for your support!

Friday October 31

The Super Stars had a very busy day! We spent the morning using math and science to explore pumpkins. Did you know that a pumpkin is 90 percent water? With the help of our amazing parent volunteers, we explored every aspect of a pumpkin. We used observation and inquiry to discover the connections between what we see on the outside to what we found on the inside. Click on the link to view a slideshow of the event: http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/slideshow.php?id=57069