Line Drawing

Today The Superheroes experimented with line drawings.  We drew different types of lines: zigzag, 
curved, straight, short, and long.  After we drew the lines, we used our new knowledge of 
primary and secondary colors to paint what we created.  

Many Colors

Today we read, My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss.  We used the book as an introduction to our new planner, How We Express Ourselves.  The students then explored water color paints and mixing primary colors to create secondary colors.  Next, we mixed colors to describe a feeling that we had. 

Look Out! Scientists at Work!

The other day we were on are way to music (which is located in the cottages) and it began to rain.  However, the sun was still shining!  We were amazed and curious as to why that was happening.   First, The Superheroes explored the three basic types of clouds: cirrus, stratus and cumulus.  Next, we learned about which clouds produce rain.  Finally, we performed a little experiment to find out how many droplets does it take before it rains.  It was a very exciting experiment!  We noticed that as we added drops the cloud got heavier.  Some clouds began to rain before others.  We continue to ponder this question!

Torn Paper Art

Listen to find out what torn paper art sounds like when it is being made!

How We Express Ourselves

As an introduction to our new planner, I read Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni.   
Mr. Lionni is known for using the torn paper method to create his illustrations.   
We will be exploring many different mediums throughout this planner. 

How We Express Ourselves 

Central Idea: Through art, people express ideas, thoughts and feelings. 

Lines of Inquiry:
1.  different art forms and styles
2.  materials used to create art
3.  personal reactions about art

The Carrot Experiment

Today we explored a carrot using our five senses.  We began to use other tools also.  The magnifying glass allowed us to see the patterns inside the carrot.  We also noticed a correlation between the top of the carrot and how the inside is formed.   We could only break the carrot in half and next we want to examine the inside by cutting vertically through the length of the carrot. 

Who We Are

The Superheroes are working on their first summative for a planner!  As you can see,
 they are working and thinking about how to answer the questions. 
 Each student had to choose a profile word and explain using words and pictures how they exemplify it.  
Here are some examples:
  • Risk-Taker:  I jumped in a twelve feet pool on a diving board when I was scared.  I was scared to jump but I did it! And I touched the floor.
  • Principled:  Be quiet in the hallway.  Waling quietly and not bother the other classes because they are working hard. 
  • Caring:  When I accidentally bumped someone in gymnastics with my foot. I picked them up and then I said sorry. I think I was caring by saying sorry and making sure they were okay. 
  • Balanced:  I am balanced when I exercise at the gym and eat healthy.  And run laps at PE

Scary Numbers!

Come by our classroom to see if you can guess the number?

Number of the day

In honor of Spooky Spaghetti, The Superheroes decided to complete number of the day a little differently today!  We created ghosts or spiders with a hidden number and then added ways to represent that number.

A Profile Pennant

The Superheroes are hard at work explaining how to exemplify the Learner Profile.  As we move towards the end of our planner,  Who We Are, the students are gaining insight into the meaning of the words and how to use the words to describe certain events.  Way to go, Superheroes!

Cookie Project Part II

After completing the project, we met as a group to discuss the results.  Next, we got to solve math problems using the cookies! It was fun and the room smelled good too!

The Cookie Project

Wow, we were so excited when boxes of cookies arrived in our room!  Ms. Patin supplied all of first grade with cookies to perform an experiment with.  First, The Superheroes had to divide the cookies among the eight first grade teachers. ( Talk about real life math experiences!) 
 We have been exploring scientific tools, five senses and science safety rules.  We put it all to good use during the Cookie Project. The question was how many cookies can you stack in a tower before it falls down!  We started by making predictions.  Then we got to work. 
 We split up into cooperative groups and utilized our social skills to decide how we wanted to do the experiment and who had what job.  I think our highest tower ended being 29 cookies!!
  We had a great time exploring, discussing, and trying different ways to make a tower.  
At the end some students decided to turn the cookies into a sculpture!

Our First Field Trip!

Our first field trip to Main Street Theater was a blast!  The performers did a great job with the story, The Cat in the Hat.  We are not sure what parts we like better:  the singing fish, the disco ball, the way Thing One and Thing Two appeared or the awesome cleaner up machine!  
(p.s. The bus was loads of fun too!)

Playground Time!

It's October and we are enjoying the cooler weather!  

Realism vs Fantasy

We have been reading and discussing many stories to determine whether they are realistic fiction or fantasy.   Although it may be real for characters to dance in a story, it is not realistic for bears to be dancing!

Open House

Thank you all for participating in Open House.  I realize traffic and the weather made it very difficult.  I posted my power point on Living Tree so that you can review it.  Don't forget I have also posted the High Frequency Words for first grade.  There is a link available that allows you to download them and make cards to use at home.   The Superheroes were thrilled to find their special messages the next day.  The bookmarks are a hugh hit!  If you did not get to make one for your child let me know. 
 I will get you the paper and laminate so that they may use it in class.

Looking for Nouns

We will be doing a lot of cooperative group activities.  This is a great way for the students to exemplify the Learner Profile.  We spend time looking at what a group does and what do they sound like.  I think the most important profile word would be communicator.  We are learning how to listen to others and accept their ideas and at the same time be able to communicate our own ideas.  

Retelling Station Part II

We couldn't let that plain box be a place to tell stories!  So we had to turn into something special.  The students all added artwork or painted the box to make it look like a 'real' station!  I love walking by and hearing the students retelling their favorite stories.  

Literacy Workstations

We have begun to choose our literacy workstations.  This is a time during the day that students will be working on concepts taught in mini-lessons.  Each students learns how to be responsible for their learning by working with a partner and completing the job assigned.  The Superheroes have a very important role in designing these stations so that they work for them too.  The idea is that we are always reading and thinking!

Shared Reading

Another important part of our day is shared reading.  I model a lesson and then the students give it a go. 
 We come back together and discuss how the reading strategy worked for us!

Retelling Station?

You never know what is going to happen next with the Superheroes!  Today we received a big book reading stand which came in a huge box.  The students of course loved the box.  They decided we should keep it and turn it into a "retelling station".  How smart is that?!

Buddy Reading

Every day in first grade we are having new and exciting experiences.  Today we spent some time 'buddy reading'.  We sat with a friend and took turns reading and checking for understanding. 

Summer Fun

Today we worked on patterns in math.  We made a fun project by creating a pattern around a paper plate.  Next, we wrote about one of our summer adventures in the middle of the plate. 
This turned into a class book which we love to reread!