
Here we are acting out Graydon's story. 
I was trying to get some action shots while reading the story at the same time!  It looks like the Superheroes are having a great time learning about literacy through play. 

Toy Dance Party

The Superheroes had a great time at the Toy Dance Party!  Thank you to everyone for being flexible with the changing date and for bringing all the wonderful treats!  It was a great way to celebrate our amazing classroom community.  It was fun to have the parents visit and catch The Superheroes being storytellers of their own stories! 

Friday Enrichment Time

We have begun our Friday Enrichment Time in first grade.  Our first meeting was all about finding out interests and things we are experts on.  We used that information to create shields which are displayed on our first grade bulletin board (right next to kinder hallway).  The students love walking by and finding their shields and their friends shields.  A great way to solidify our planner:  Who We Are.  Our second meeting involved creating groups that had to work together to solve a math problem.  It was a great learning experience and a great way to practice our transdisciplinary skills. 

Rice University Story Telling Project

Ms. Immel has begun her mentor visits to the classroom. The students love having her come and visit.  Some of you have probably begun to receive copies of stories dictated by your children.   I hope you find a special place to keep them and read them often.  I have created a special binder in the classroom to hold all our stories.  

Read To Self

We will read anywhere!!  The Superheroes are working on creating stamina while reading quietly to ourselves.  We have made it to fifteen minutes!!!  Our goal now is to consistently read quietly for fifteen minutes.  That requires us to have knowledge on how to pick a book.  Some things we look for is whether or not it is an interesting topic, if we know most of the words, or if it something we want to find out more about.  I hope we continue to increase our stamina for reading!