Postcards from Space

The Navigators have been hard at work exploring and inquiring about space.  First, we became junior astronomers in Mrs. Gee's class.  We choose one planet to read and research about.  We used that information to inform the Mark Twain Space Council what was necessary to continue our research.  Next, we became an explorer and sent a postcard back detailing our experiences.  We used our knowledge to explain what is like on our planet and why.  Come by the third grade hallway to check them out!

Name That Book

Written by Andrea and April 
We are in the Name That Book contest.  We had to read 35 books and then take a test.  The test was a sheet of paper and we had to listen to quotes from the books and write the answer down.  The six people who get on the team get to compete against other schools.  The competition will be on April 15th.  
The competition works the same as the test except with a team.