Pumpkin Math

Pumpkin Math on PhotoPeach

Pumpkin Stations

The Superheroes had a great time using math and science to explore pumpkins.  We had several stations set up around the room and we just moved from station to station
.  The learning continues as we planted some seeds in the garden and
 we left one pumpkin out there to see what happens as it decomposes. 

Sink and Float?

Does a pumpkin sink or float?  Well, it's very heavy which makes one think it will sink, BUT it turns out they float.  Our little scientists had lots of theories why which we will need to explore further.
  I think the biggest surprise was that a grape sinks!


Here are some of the illustrations created by the First and Fifth grade buddies to match the stories.  The work is displayed on our classroom bulletin board.  Come by and take a look!

Fifth Grade Buddies

Today we met our fifth grade buddies for the first time!!  The Superheroes were very excited.  The plan was to have our buddies write spooky stories for us.  First,  we created a story map to think about the characters we wanted in the story and the setting.  Next, we had to think of a problem for the characters and how to solve it.  When our fifth grade buddies arrived - we were ready to tell our story.  Here are some of the great titles:
The Skeleton and Mummy's Soccer Game
Lt's Haunt
Th Big Strong Ghost
The Scary Ghost
The Ghost and The Bat
Fight of the Monsters
Teeny Tiny Ghost
The Spooky Cat and Ghost
The Scary Day at the Haunted House
The Graveyard Dun Dun Dun...
The Ghost and the Princess

How We Express Ourselves

We used the style of Paul Klee for our first experiment with different art forms.  Paul Klee is known for using lines of different thickness and a variety of curved or zigzag lines to create art.  He then uses water colors to fill in the spaces.  Today we learned how to paint with water colors!  
The end results are magical.  

Pumpkin Challenge

Here are the Superheroes working hard exploring how to problem solve with six pieces of paper
 and the winning design!

Pumpkin Challenge

Challenge:   Using only six strips of orange paper, cut into 6 inch by 1 inch wide strips, create a pumpkin.   Criteria:  It must have the characteristics of a pumpkin ie can not be square.   It must be unique ie no one else's can look like yours.   This was quite a challenge especially since it was our first attempt at using a measuring tool.  The results were interesting and our winner was:  Juliette!!

Art a la Carte

The students were very excited for our first Art ala Carte.  (Thank you to Sofia's mom!)  The lesson was about Matisse and how he cut paper to create art.  The students were very excited about their creations and I hope they made it home okay.  This lesson fit in very well with our new planner: How We Express Ourselves.  

Writing Journals

We have added a new writing activity to the writing station and the kids are very excited  about it.   First, we wrote a story as whole class entitled "Robert the Artist."  Next, the students worked in small groups to write a story based on the the topic of the specific writing journal.  We focused on creating  a beginning, middle and end.  The journals will be in the writing station, but I am hoping we will also be using them during our read to self time. 


For the final project at the end of a six week planner, the students are usually required to put their learning into words.  (You will be able to see these during student led conferences.)  Here the students have gathered on the rug in front of the Learner Profile words to discuss and choose one to elaborate on.  Here are some of their thoughts: 
Respect:  I look at the teacher when she is talking.
Commitment:  I am commitment because I always try to finish my work.
Integrity:  I tell the truth and never lie.
Integrity:  I do the right thing when no one is looking.
Principled:  I do not blurt out words. 
Confidence:  I am confidence because I know I can.  I try new things. I don't' give up.
Respect:  I am polite and kind to myself and others!

Field Day/Field Trip T-shirts

Take a look at our great looking Field Day Shirt (Thank you Tracey!).   The students voted on a name and a design for the shirt.  I actually combined two different pictures from Lane and Graydon for the final design.   We are very excited and so proud to wear the t-shirt. 
  The Superheroes really are a Super Team!!!