Just one more...

I couldn't resist...  We decide to get a bigger bottle, use more vinegar and MORE baking soda.  
Watch the results!

The Final Result!

Balloon Experiment

Some theories of what could possibly happen when I pour the baking soda into the vinegar.

What happens...

when you combine baking soda and vinegar??  What happens when you change the variables?

Free Time????

Yes, this is free time in a Superhero Classroom!!  The students are engaged in the activity of their choice.  Some choose to do science experiments.  (We are exploring using different ingredients in slime to see what happens.)  Some are working on stories and others are working on solving logic problems and having fun the WHOLE time! Some attribute this quote to Albert Einstein,
 "Play is the highest form of research." 

Literacy Stations

We may have finished more than 130 days in first grade, but we are still going strong!  The students are working hard developing reading and writing skills.  In addition, we have a science station with STEM activities to keep stretching our brains!

Classroom Jobs

Chloe is a perfect example of doing a job well.  She is our officially greeter.  Not only does she welcome visitors to our classroom, but she also greets every ancillary teacher when we go in the afternoon.  The Superheroes started the year by trying every job.  Now, we pick the job we think we can do well.  This week, our classroom was visited by a director from Rice School Literacy Project, kinder teachers and first grade teachers from different schools.  Chloe did a great job showing them around the classroom and answering all their questions!  Job well done!!

The Important Thing about Solids...

We used the important book to write about properties that different solids might have.  Each student choose one solid and had to determine what the most important thing was about that object.  Next, they had to list the properties of that solid. 


We took two liquids with different properties and combined them together.  A chemical change happened and we ended up with SLIME!  It was amazing to watch.  Once we added the secret ingredient the glue begin to congeal and looked like a sold.  By the time we finished mixing the ingredients - You could pick up the glue!!

Moon Sand

We are exploring this concept of solids and liquids.  A solid has its own shape and a liquid takes the shape of the container its in.  But what happens when you combine solids and liquids.  Today we made Moon Sand!  We started with a solid - flour and we added a liquid - baby oil.  The interesting thing is that the properties of the flour changed as we added baby oil.  In the end, we had a solid - sand that was a different color than the flour and a different consistency.
 (Plus it smelled very good!) 

Mind Mapping Money

The Superheroes worked in cooperative groups to inquire what they knew about one certain coin.
  We then mapped all the information and each group presented their findings. 

Glue is a liquid!


We continue to explore solids, liquids and gases.  Today we determined that if it makes a heap when you pour it (sand, salt, flour) then it is a solid and if it flows (glue) then it is a liquid.  Next, we added a mixture of paint and water and allowed the glue to flow in different directions to create a design.  We are wondering what happens when the glue dries?  In our discussions, we made the connection that we use glue on paper and it dries.  The results will be interesting!